Get invoved!
As a community orientated forum, we would appreciate any help you can give.
If you’d like to take on a volunteer role either as part of the organising committee or on the day, then reach out to us via the contact details in the footer. There are various jobs to do, from reception duties to tending the tea and coffee station.
We’ll also appreciate on the day with things like moving chairs around, packing up after the event, keeping the halls clean, etc. So you can just be proactive, or tap someone on the shoulder who looks like they are organising something and let them know you are happy to help out.
Promoting the forum
A fantastic way that anyone can contribute is to help get the word out. To keep the event affordable, we don't have things like a marketing budget, etc, so just engaging with A4A's Facebook posts is a big help, and sharing the Humanitix link or Facebook event on your socials would be awesome.
Another helpful thing you can do is print out our flyers and put them up in useful places, or hand them out wherever compassionate people might be.
Download our printable flyers here.
Donating / sponsoring
The forum is totally volunteer run and operates at a loss. We don’t want anyone not coming because of prohibitive costs. To that end, any donations by people who can afford it are much appreciated. You can donate to support the event through the Humanitix page. Thank you to those who have already done so.
If you would like to sponsor any aspect of the event as an organisation or individual, please let us know via our Facebook page or the contact form here. We would be happy to display any appropriate banners at the forum, include your marketing materials on our flyers table, acknowledge your support via our website and Facebook pages, and of course mention your sponsorship in the opening and closing remarks.
Sponsorship would begin at $250 for the afternoon tea and go up with the hall costs and the lunch.
You can sponsor A4A through the donation link on the Humanitix page. In the unlikely event that we end up with any funds left over, these will be put towards future A4A community events or be donated to an animal charity.